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How To Increase Perma Traffic To Your Blog

For readers to be able to find you, they will need to find your blog on google and other search engines first. Search engines scan your pages for keywords and mark the ones that come up often as relevant. When a reader enters a keyword into the engine that is relevant to your blog, he will see your blog come up higher in the search engines results ladder. This is what every blogger strives for, to be listed as one of the highly visible blogs.

All search engines require a few hints from bloggers on where to search and what to scan for. You can leave a trail for the engine with one very simple setting. When you write a blog post, make sure to check your right sidebar. You will see the option "Permalink". You must use this to basically tell the search engine what you are all about!

Automatic URLs are usually your blog post title, but your titles may not contain all the keywords that are meaningful to you and your blog. Therefore, choose the option custom URL and add one or two keywords to that URL. 

For example, your blog post is named "Love". The automatic URL will therefore look like this:

However, there are many competitors writing on love and you have not specified your post enough for the search engines. Customize the URL by typing something like: 

Your final post link will then be:

You have now asked a search engine to put you not just in the search results for the keyword "love", but also "poems" and "valentinesday". You have increased your visibility times three.

However, do not enter more than a couple of extra words. If your url is too long, you make it too complicated to be listed!!

While you are at it, make sure to also fill out the description box below the custom URL function, before you finally pubslish your post. Here you can enter more keywords. Boom, more traffic for you again. 

When you have done these things in a series of posts, you will notice people start finding you. You can check on your google Analytics tab, if / when / how many readers can now find your blog much easier than before. Or log out of your g+ account and then search for your blog in google to see how high on the search rank you currently are (you must log out, otherwise the google results will be customized to your account automatically!). 

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