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Increase Your Blogs Visibility by Indexing it to Search Engines

Increase Your Blogs Visibility by Indexing it to Search Engines

For search engines, such as Google, to be able to find your blog, you will have to do some work first. The goal is to tell Google to send its crawlers to your website. Crawlers are basically Google spiders that scan your blog and memorize the text and images that you posted. The information from your blog is then picked up by Google and every time someone searches a keyword matching your blog, your blog will be a suggested link to visit. In short, your blog must be crawled first, so that it can appear in Google search to draw potential visitors to your site.

For this process to go smootly, you will need to assist the search engines. To do this, go to your webmasters tools. If you have never done this before, simply follow the instructions written here. You do not need to have extensive knowledge to be able to index your page. The goal is to create a map of your blog, to send that map to the search engine and to have your blog contents be submitted to the search engines. This will give you greater visibility on the web and make it much easier for the search engine to suggest your page to the readers.

Step 1: Go to your webmaster tools

Step 2: If you have already set up your blog as a property, select the one you would like to index and click on your link. If you have not done so yet, add your link as a property. You will need to confirm your property first, before being able to index your site.

Step 3: One you have clicked on the link of your property, you will see the dashboard coming up. Select "Crawling" from the menu and then "Sitemaps".

Step 4: To submit the contents / to index your blog you will need to submit a sitemap from your Blogger. A sitemap is a .xml file. For blogger this is easy to do. Just click on add sitemap and type in sitemap.xml

Step 5: If you would also like to submit your Atom or RSS feed for blogger, type in atom.xml  and  rss.xml

Step 6: In the same window you will see that your indexing process is in progress. It will take about a a day for the search engine to have finished the indexing. Most of your posts will then show up as indexed on the next day. And that is it! You have successfully created a map for the search engine to come and scan your page. If you like, notice the warnings you may get and work on those.

Note: If you are not using blogger, you may need an external tool to create a sitemap for you. This sitemap would then have to be uploaded to your content server. After having uploaded it you can submit the link of that uploaded sitemap to the same crawling tool explained here. For Wordpress continue reading here:

This is a neccessary process to list your website to the search engine. Without doing so, you compromise your visibility on the web and you therefore make it less possible for new readers to find you. As a Blogger or Website owner you will need to make sure that a large amount of traffic comes to your page. Only more brings more. For this to be possible, you will need to index your site.

What is a crawler?

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