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What is a Webcrawler?

What is a Webcrawler?

A webcrawler is a software that searches the internet and scans websites for their contents. Webcrawlers are often also referred to as spiders or robots. Search engines use such crawlers to analyse websites for information. The assembled information is then stored and processed, via a process named indexing, to facilitate subsequent retrieval of that data. 

As a website owner you want such crawlers to scan your page and to process the information you have listed on your website. Once they have done so, readers can gain easier access to the data on your website. Readers are now able to find your website and its content via a search engine. The crawler works like a spider through its web, starting from one link and proceeding to the next and the next - in a network kind of a way. The threads of that network are then available to keywords that internet users type into their seach engine. 

The more links you create on your website, the more indexed your website will be. You create such a link by for example publishing a post on blogger. By linking one of your publications to another, you facilitare the scanning process even more. The best way to make the search engine aware of your website and your posts is to submit a sitemap. 

How to submit a sitemap

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