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Best 10 US Graduate Schools For Clinical Psychology

Best 10 U.S. Graduate Schools For Clinical Psychology

Clinical Psychologists apply their knowledge and skills to reduce symptoms of distress and to improve the wellbeing of their patients. Their generalized job description is summarized as using psychological methods and updated research to employ positive changes to the patients lives. These positive changes are achieved by using various treatment methods. Clinical Psychologists use psychometric tests, interviews and other diagnostic tools to asses the patients needs. 

Best 10 US Graduate Schools For Clinical Psychology

The areas of employment include mental health hospitals, multidisciplinary team work and writing legal reports as expert witnesses for the court of law. The requirement to become a Clinical Psychologist is to obtain a degree from a graduate school. 

According to the U.S.N world reports, the top 10 US Graduate Schools For Clinical Psychology in the United States of America rank as follows:

1. University of California (UCLA) - Los Angeles. Website for prospective students

2. University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

3. University of Washington

4. University of Wisconsin (Madison)

5. Yale University

6. Duke University

7. University of Illinois 

8. University of Kansas

9. University of Minnesota (Twin Cities)

10. University of Pennsylvania

Best 10 US Graduate Schools For Clinical Psychology

Author Steve M. - view the web sidebar for author information.

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