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Top Free Photos Websites and Creative Commons Attribution

Top Free Photos Websites and Creative Commons Attribution

Looking for pictures that you are allowed to use, copy and share openly is sometimes not as easy as just downloading a file from a search engine. The search engine might not inform you about the copyright of the image. The internet is also covered by copyright law. To be able to adhere to the copyright laws and liscenses rules and to be able to publish pictures without needing an attorney, you may want to look up certain portals that inform you about the rights of the image. 

Some websites have gathered people from all around the world, who give away pictures for free use. These pictures are available for free downloading and other uses, such as distribution. Remember to always look for the liscense statement, the attribution, a creative commons statement or to set the filter on these websites to see only the liscensed pictures that you are looking for. For example, on Flickr search you can choose the liscense you are looking for. 

Here are the most popular websites that share pictures with the creative commons attribution:

Each one of these websites has thousands of pictures to choose from. You are not required to be a photographer or designer yourself to make a beautiful website. You can use these portals. There are several more portals out there that are free and some prefer to ask for a credit card payment for a photo stock. The ones I have posted here host free images for any kind of theme. They also inform you about pictures that can be used commercially. 

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