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Symptoms of Withdrawal Can Be Life-Threatening

Symptoms of withdrawal can be life-threatening

Symptoms of withdrawal can be life-threatening, depending on the substance the addiction is related to. Withdrawal symptoms are common with alcohol, sedatives and hypnotics. People report a broad spectrum of symptoms, as well as more or less apparent signs and degrees of severity of withdrawal symptoms. It is assumed that the symptoms occur, because the body attempts to preserve some stability. Therefore, the body reacts to the missing substance as a warning of a physical imbalance, a discrepancy created between the times the substance was induced versus times when the substance is lacking. Addiction to substances makes the body perceive an actual need for the drug, once it has developed a certain degree of tolerance to it - meaning once the body gets used to the drug, it can't do without.

Symptoms of withdrawal can be life-threatening

The imbalance between the current and the substance-induced bodily state shows as a behavioural change in the person. The process of experiencing such an imbalance begins when blood and tissue concentration of the substance declines. To avoid the unpleasantness of this state of imbalance, the person is likely to take the substance to feel relief from these symptoms or to avoid their existence in the first place. Withdrawal can create an incredibly intense strain on the body. Severe withdrawal symptoms are to be handled only under medical supervision, to not cause a physiological overload of the body's capabilities for survival. 

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