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How To Predict A Person's Career Choice

How To Predict A Person's Career Choice

People have a strong preference for careers that match their skills and interests. When someone chooses to follow a particular education or job type, she will choose based on her abilitues, values and based on the reflection of herself within that career.

Generally, people can be separated into 5 types or mix-types with combinations of a couple of the following types:
1. Realistic type: The realistic type wants things to be practical and technical. He wants to have an idea and to be able to execute that idea into action.
2. Investigative type: This type is intellectually oriented. She wants to start researching topics and to be able to draw conclusions from her research.
3. Conventional type: This type wants to follow a code or a set of rules in order to perform to his best potential.
4. Enterprising type: This type wants to take the risk upon her to create something and to make something out of herself, to build it from the first steps to the complete foundation herself.
5. Artistic type: This type enjoys creativity and is usually talented with learning languages as an experssion of his creativity. Using such creativity is a challenge and its derivative is motivation.
6. Social type: This type enjoys being surrounded by several people. The larget the network, the better. She builds a give and take relationship with her environment and uses that frequently for advancing in life.

Based on which type of jobs represents the type of person someone is the most, he will choose one career type over another. Combinatory types have a preference for choosing combinatory jobs, such as composing music with technology. Career choice advisors use this strategy (among others) to create such matches and propose them to their clients.

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