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A Trick to Make You Sleepy

A Trick to Make You Sleepy

If you are having difficulties to fall asleep at night, you need to create balance in your body. A very easy and great way to make you sleepy, is to sit in the sunlight for some time. The sunlight will increase the production of melanin in your body, the sleeping agent. While you sit in the sun, you collect plenty of it. So by the time you go to bed, this will make it much easier for you to fall asleep. Just remember to protect your eyes from the sunlight, because as healthy as it may be (even if it is not strong sunlight) for your skin, it can be quite the strain on your eyes, because our eyes are not protected by layers of skin. 

What to do when there is no sunlight:
During the winter times, you will rarely be able to cover your daily sunlight needs. But not to worry. Certain lamps have been developed that imitate sunlight in your house. You can expose yourself to their light instead. Those lamps are also used for the treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder (Depression during a particular time of the year). 

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