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Canine Depression: Is My Dog Depressed?

Canine Depression: Is My Dog Depressed?

We get to hear much about depression in humans, but did you know that animals are also experiencing similar symptoms like we do? Animal psychologists are officially certified as animal behaviorists and they are the professionals in dealing with symptoms of depression in your pet.

How can you tell if your dog is depressed? Try answering the following questions:

Does he show a lack of interest in food?
Does he show a lack of interest in playing?
Does he sleep most of the day?
Is he often unresponsive to your calls?
Does he appear to be lethargic?
Is his nose dry?
Does he rarely wiggle his tail?
Does he stare at your window or door?

If you have answered some or all questions with “YES”, then it is very likely that the dog is experiencing symptoms of depression. Especially the lack of interest in food and games is a prominent sign of depression. Of course, if you are worried about your dog it is always best to go to the veterinarian first.

The lack of interest, a dry nose and being lethargic can also be due to old age, illness or pain. So have your veterinarian check out your dog's physical condition first.

If he is physically in the clear, then you can assume that your pet is experiencing depressive symptoms. As with humans, the longer a depression remains untreated, the worse the symptoms become. You must therefore start treatment straight away.

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