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Canine Depression: Treatment

Canine Depression: Treatment

There are three very effective ways to counter depression.

1. See the happy world:

Make it a daily thing for you and your dog to go and have some personal time. Walk around, have a seat somewhere, let him look around and see the outside world more. Talk to him and try to teach him games outside of the home, so your voice becomes a happy constant in his life. Make sure that you and your voice are happy and reassuring, with empathy and joy, in order for the dog to learn that you can make all his sadness go away every time you speak and every time go for a walk with him.

2. Make your dog intelligent:

Let your dog snoop around and poke around when you are outside with him. Snooping should not be interrupted, because snooping is basically as important to your dog as school is for children. Dogs learn and study life by picking up as many different smells as possible. The older a dog is, the longer he may take and the more patience is required of you. Try not interrupting his learning process and try going to various places with him, preferably where other animals leave behind their smells. The more your dogs snoops around, the smarter he becomes and the more he is protected from symptoms of depression.

3. Friendships:

Social interaction is the best way to treat depressive symptoms. The social interaction refers to interaction with other animals, preferably from the same species. The best way to make your dog happy, is to let him have friends and to let him meet new friends. Let him communicate and play with other dogs and form friendships. Try finding a neighbour who also has a dog in approximately the same size or with an even temper and hang out with that neighbour and her dog as often as you can. Communicating and playing with other dogs will make your pet much more happy instantly!

Please remember, that all the ways described here are only effective, if they are being pursued on a regular basis!

Even if you are busy, try to find a way to incorporate these things into your schedule and try using the weekend and the days you have more time as special pet days, where your pet is like the birthday-kid and you make all his dreams come true. Be involved as much as you can, because pets very often form a bond with their owner, similar to children with their parents. They require a lot of care and most of all a lot of heart. There is no “too much going out” or “too many friendships”, so maximize that as much as you can.

You will then have a very happy dog! His happiness is worth the world.

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