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How Do I Know If Someone Loves Me?

How Do I Know If Someone Loves Me?

Someone who loves you will inadvertendly try to be compatible with you. One very direct way of seeing someones attempts for that compatibility is body language. Watch the other person to determine if she feels love towards you. If she is copying your moves, the way you speak or the language you use, she is most definitely fond of you. You can also tell, by paying attention to how nervous someone is when talking to you. Nervous movements, such as going through ones hair often or tring to sit in different positions over and over again, reveal that another person admires you, but still from a distance.

When things get more serious and the distance is eliminated slowly over time, there are deeper aspects that you need to pay attention to, to figure out if someone truly loves you. If someone is trusting you and confiding in you, you are a very important part of that persons life. If someone is honest to you and puts a lot of effort in being sincere, he also means to tell you that he loves you. If someone helps you out a lot, supports you, is generous with his emotions and considerate of your feelings, they love you very much and put extra care in making sure that you are happy. You will find that happiness cannot be generated, until a certain generosity and openness are in play. The more someone loves you, the more forigving, benevolent and conciliatory they are. They may either show great permissiveness or be exceptionally unpermissive to show you their love. You can see this often in parents and their children. Children mess up and parents forgive them over and over again. This is the signature of unconditional love. If someone is very compassionate towards you and very insightful, they also mean to show you their love. They want to be that one person in the world, you can go to whenever there is something on your mind.

To know if someone truly loves you, you need to pay attention to such characteristics and their action. In a perfect world, the ideal partner would fullfill all those characteristics. But many times this is not the way things are. Find out how many of those attributes your partner fulfills and if these are enough for your definition of love. You will then have your answer. 

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