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How To Farm WoW Gold Legally and Quickly (Draenor)

How To Farm WoW Gold Legally and Quickly (Draenor)

There are always plenty of things to do in World of Warcraft and there is never enough time to farm the neccessary gold. Especially, if real life is taking up a lot of time, then there is not much time to waste on farming gold in the evening. Every few years a new expansion is released and several patches to increase the gaming content. And due to every expansion certain gaps are created. The trick to earning a great amount of gold legally and quickly in World of Warcraft is to use these gaps to your advantage.

Because currently all the players spend their time in the World of Draenor, it means that all other areas and previous expansions are not much visited. However, quite a few people are keen on raising more than just one character to level 100 and they need materials to train their professions. Usually, they are too lazy to do that. Use that to your advantage!
Check the auction house for past materials that have a decent sell prize. Go to the respective area and farm those. You will make way more gold than farming current materials.
Do not farm for armor and weapons. They are a pleasant side effect, but not worth your time. Also, do not waste your time crafting stuff. This will only cost you more than it will bring you in terms of revenue gained.
Farm raw materials, such as herbs. Or get leather or go mining. Sell the raw materials in the auctions. Do not craft a thing! Specialize in a certain good and drain those too lazy to farm of their gold in the auctions.

When you create an auction, make sure it runs during the afternoon until the late evening. The afternoon and the evening (and weekends all day long) are the times when most players are online. Especially prior to raid starting time and after a raid finishes, you will for example sell herbs, because raiders get desperate to quickly craft their potions before attending a raid. So make sure your auctions run on a good time. Do not set your prices too low or too high. You do not want to misbalance the market, you want to be part of it.
Remember to check the auctions frequently for raw materials gaps due to recurring patches and extensions. You will earn thousands of gold quickly and legally!

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