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How To Write an Article For SEO in a Few Easy Steps

How To Write an Article For SEO in a Few Easy Steps

To increase the visibility and therefore the traffic of your website, it is important that your articles are written in an SEO friendly style. SEO means search engine optimization, a method that uses the strategic placement of keywords and links in your text. If you follow the steps I have listed below, you will be able to write an SEO article yourself easily.

1. Define your Keywords
The keywords are the world people use to type in to Google to start their search on a topic. Those keywords are how someone finds your site. Several publishers have created or are hosting keywords optimization tools. You can use such tools to find more keywords on your topic and they also show you which keywords are used most frequently in searches. So before you write an article, make sure that you have researched the keywords on your topic thoroughly. Take note of those keywords, because you will need to use them in your writing.

2. Check your article for errors
Run a grammar and spellcheck every time before pubishing an article. It does not take long at all if you use a tool for that. There are free spell and grammar check tools available. Or at least have word check the article for you. Not only do you need your article to be error free to come across as professional, but also you need it to be error free for the search engines. For example, if your keyword has a typing error, google will not be able to use the keyword you intended to find your website.

3. Find an appealing title for your article
The title of your article is not only the first thing people see to decide if they want to read your article, but also the first thing search engines see to find your site. For example, people have the habit of searching for the bets of something, or top 100, or a particular state name or person. Make sure that the topic of your article is attractively represented in your title. Ask yourself, if you could resist clicking on a link with that title. But please remember, that not only the attention you attract with your title matters, but also that the title itself is of good standard and quality.

4. Break up your article into parts
If you break your article into parts, it makes it easier for people to find something specific they might be looking for. For example, someone may only like to find "break up your article into parts". He will then be directed to this article, even if the title is a different one. The subheader "Break up your article into parts" is somewhat of a direction for searches and allows people to read your article in a more relaxed way.

5. Make the best use of your keywords
Keywords are meant to support the search engine optimization technique. But as you know, spam is never considered to be attractive. Spamming your kewords throughout an article is by no means a way to improve SEO. On the contrary spam is considered to be something that should be ignored. Your keywords should amount to a density of 1-3% of an article, no more and no less. Run a word search to determine your denstiy. Microsoft Office word pad, or Libre Office and Open Office (free to download) have a function for that. There are also tools available on the internet for that purpose.

6. Pay attention to your keyword frequency: 
If your keywords are underrepresented and not covered by a larger list of synonyms throughout the text, the crawlers that scan your page will have difficulty detecting what you and your article are all about. These difficulties may result in google not finding your page. Or your advertisements from Google Adsense may get set to another interest, therefore making it more difficult for you to get to have some revenue.

7. Include hyperlinks
One hand washes the other. All world wide web authors live in a sort of symbiosis. By supporting others, in essence you also support yourself. When you writen an article, include some links to other pages of common interest. You generate connections on the internet, which means that people affiliated with the other person also get to see you. But also, other authors will detect your action, for example via Google Analytics statistics, and link back to you as well. So basically, you exchange customers.

8. Connect your article to the World Wide Web
One link to your article (by creating your title) is usually not enough for your site to be represented in the World Wide Web. What you want to do, is to create several links leading to your article. Like I said earlier, spam is never an option. But there is a great way to interconnect via social media. Share something to social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. Your shares and the shares from other people sharing your article, are registed as new links on the search engines. They direct traffic to your article.

So you see, writing an SEO article is quite easy, as long as you know what you have to do. Feel free to use the presented guidelines for your future work, to write your article according to the Search Engines Optimization technique.

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