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If The Knife Doesn’t Fit

If The Knife Doesn’t Fit

The world gives a home to many people, who don’t deserve to have one. And I do not mean that in the nicest way. You put a real effort into pleasing people and into making them happy, into keeping them safe and protected. Why? Because after some time they have found their way into your heart and they have sure made themselves a home right there.

Meanwhile, you are largely unaware of the fact that the home you believe that you have found in their hearts, is shambles. But you believe that you are happy and safe... until you need them one day.

You call and you call again, because life is full of emergencies. When an emergency happens, you freak out and would rather not like to be alone. But it doesn’t matter, because there was never a safe and protected home. It was all an illusion and at times of emergency you pay for being naïve.

If someone hurts you once or twice, you forgive. You don’t forget, but you nonetheless forgive. But the crime gets committed over and over again. Just how many times exactly can someone stab you in the back before enough is enough? Do you know your limits? For me it is three strikes. Then it is game over.

Generally, for people who strike more than thrice, I believe a punishment to be in order. But I hope that life punishes them, without me getting involved. I reckon that all evil boomerangs back to its owner some day. But sometimes, it doesn’t look like life is willing to boomerang a lot.

If I were a person that could take revenge, I would do it. But I’m a coward for causing a war and I remain peaceful. If you are holding that knife of revenge in your hands (metaphorically speaking!), you must either act or withdraw. I don’t like the fight, so I withdraw.

You know what they say: If the knife doesn’t fit, you must quit. 

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