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Plucking Eyebrows Without Pain

Plucking Eyebrows Without Pain

Because a long time ago mankind invented tweezers to separate us from apes and gorillas, both men and women must now shape their eyebrows properly. This is easier said than done. So many things can go wrong when doing that. If you realize that there is no hair left above your eyes, you have failed miserably. If your eyebrows connect over your nose-top, you have been bastardizing your face with your laziness. If you have to paint with black ink little fish over the area where your eyebrows used to once reside, you have also failed miserably.

Most eyebrows plucking mistakes happen due to the pain. So most people say. Others say, they prefer to not pluck them at all, just because it hurts. Well... of course it hurts, you are removing hair with something looking like a surgical tool. But get used to it. The tweezers are friendly and they don’t move until you tell them to.

Just so there is no excuse in the future for gorilla eyebrows, I will tell you how to not feel any pain at all during the procedure. It is simple. Old granny trick. Get some ice and hold it on the eyebrow until it is cold and you feel the area numbing. Wipe off the excess water and start plucking immediately. Put ice on again, when the pain returns. Simple thing, blood stops flowing in hot under your skin, it slows down and the pain is therefore gone, at least until you finish icing the area. Pain problem solved. Now there is no more excuse for eyebrows from the stone ages. Men, that goes for you too. No woman enjoys waking up next to Godzilla. 

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