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The Biggest Mistakes To Do With Google Adsense

The Biggest Mistakes To Do With Google Adsense

What are the biggest mistakes that you can do with Google Adsense? What can you do and what are you not allowed to do? How can you work with Google Adsense properly? What are the rules that you have to follow to keep your Google Adsense account working?
1. Only metatags matter: Very often a rumour goes around that only meta tags matter and not your content. This is not correct! The text on your website matters very much. For every keyword a crawler pays you a visit and basically scans your site to list your site with that keyword on Google search. If your content is of inferior quality or very little, there is not much to crawl on. Make sure your metatags are set, but more importantly make sure your content is interesting, well-written and not too little. You must "produce" something in order to get something back!
2. Designing a site to specifically serve Adsense ads: To design a site purely for Adsense is against Adsense rules and regulations! You must have something of your own to offer and not the single purpose of making money, but also sharing something with the world.

3. Bad quality of your website: Your website's quality must be outstanding. Terrible images, boring or badly written text, bad navigation and a terrible template are examples of what needs to be avoided. If the quality of your website is inferior to others, visitors will not return. Returning visitors are a large part of your revenue.
4. Asking Everyone To Click the Ads: This is forbidden! Asking people to click on your ads is considered cheating. Cheating Google Adsense will result in your account being suspended indefinitely. Do not think you are smart enough to do this. Once your account is suspended due to such suspicious activity, you will not get it back.
5. Clicking your own ads: This is a huge No-No. Your earnings are not true earnings, because by clicking on your own ads you have generated the earnings yourself. This is considered cheating! Your account would be suspended indefinitely and your earnings would be retained by Google.
6. Misleading ads: Google Adsense has specific rules on how and where to place the ads. If you mislead visitors by making them think that the ads are content of your website, you account will be banned from making any revenue at all and in the future. Do not cheat your visitors. You can also not hide the Google Adsense logo from the advertisements.
7. Little website content: If your website or blog has too little content, Google will have to base ads on assumptions about what the topics of your website are. The ads placed on your site from Adsense may then be off-topic. The advertisements are then not relevant to your page viewers and will generate much less revenue for you.

The bottom line is that you must adhere to Google Adsense rules and regulations. Cheating is quickly detected and you cannot take that risk ever! Also, do not underestimate your readers. They are expecting interesting content.

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