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How To Check If A Company Is Real

How To Check If A Company Is Real

1. Look for good website content: If the website you visit does not have a lot of content and only presents logos, but not pictures, this is a good indicator that the website is phony. If you get the impression that not much effort has been put in generating the content, you may be visiting a page that has a scam as its only purpose. Also, look for heavy spelling errors to see how professionally the site is being managed.

2. Does the website have a policy page? Legitimate companies must have a policy page or a terms and conditions page. If there is one, read it carefully. Try to see if the policy makes sense or if it was just simply copied into the site to imitate proper company pages.
3. Take a look at the payment methods of the site: If the site offers safe payment methods, such as Skrill or Paypal, it is more likely that the company is real. Avoid staying on sites that only accept checks or immediate cash as a payment method. Avoid any kind of payment or payment-plan on sites without safe payment and billing options.
4. Check Google: Try finding more information about the company by googling the name. Read a few reviews or customer feedback before you fully trust that a company you see on the web is real.
Unfortunately, some phony sites make it very hard to detect if they are genuine or not. The four mentioned ways to see if a company is real, are only giving you hints on how to detect a scam. If you really want to be sure, especially before handing out your personal or credit card details, see if the company is registered with the appropriate authorities. 

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