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Is beautiful handwriting linked to career success ?

Is beautiful handwriting linked to career success ?

It was assumed for a long time, that beautiful handwriting represents a very confident and capable person. Parents lay emphasis on their children's handwriting from very early on, transferring the underlying message, that beautiful handwriting will some day determine how successful their child is in life. Beautiful handwriting is often said to be linked to a high educational standard and great parenting efforts. At the same time, there is rumor that states that doctors have the worst handwriting in the world. So how is it possible, that two such contradicting opinions co-exist and which one of them is right?

The graphological assessment technique was used to show a connection between a persons handwriting and her personality. Expert opinions on the hight or the inclination of the writing style are still used sometimes, to determine someones job fit. But does it work?
The answer is no. This type of assessment is rarely used today. The predictive validity of graphological techniques for a criterium such as career success is very low. In other words, your handwriting does not strongly associate with your personality. Therefore, it is not neccessarily predicting career success. The content of your writing however does!

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