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How Google Adsense Selects Ads For Your Website

How Google Adsense Selects Ads For Your Website

There are three general ways by which Google Adsense chooses the advertisements for your site or blog. You do not see the process, but the outcome appears on your ad spaces.

1. Advertising based on interests:
Advertisers are allowed to choose where they want to advertise, based on their interests and focus group targeting. The users can define their interests to launch their campaigns to a certain group of customers or people sharing the same interest as portreyed on the website. This is a great method to monetize your website, becasuse your website interests match the advertiser*s interests. Therefore, this increases the likelihood of your ads being clicked on, rather than having irrelevant ads placed on your website that do not attract many viewers.

2. Advertisements based on context:
This is also called contextual targeting. Your page is scanned for keywords frequently by crawlers. Those crawlers identify which keywords you used and which ones you use most often. Once your website content has been thorougly scanned, ads are matched with your content and also with your writing style and formatting setup.

3. Advertisements based on placement:
Advertisers are here allowed to choose on which area of your site they want to place their ad. During the campaign setup, advertisers define which advertisement spaces they prefer using for their ads. If their definition of where the ad should show up matches your website, their ad is placed in that position.

You can easily conclude from this, Google Adsense and the ad campaigns pay great attention to your website's setup and content. Therefore, you need to make sure that you have plenty of good quality content on your website and that you have selected the best ad places and formats.

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