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What stops someone from loving me? [Part 1]

What stops someone from loving me?

There are certain personality characteristics that are the nemeses towards love.

Being very strong and dominant, literally scares love away. This characteristic is not compatible with the emotion of love. We all want our partner to be strong times, but not too strong, because we dont want to be worried about becoming the target of that strength and dominance some day. So while it has a protective effect, too much of it drowns other peoples courage and they are therefore not able to approach us or open up at all. Fear is a nemesis for love. Already pre-existing love can be drowned if there is too much fear involved. Strength and dominance need to be kept in check and are only to be used in the appropriate settings.

Being arrogant and scheming are two more characteristics that are very well able to kill love in an instant. Being arrogant shows no selflessness and no appreciation towards your partner. Quite the opposite, it will make them feel taken for granted. If someone tells you that you take them for granted, they are basically telling you that you are arrogant and that you need to get off your high horse quickly, before any emotions involved are shattered unrepairably into pieces. This (and not feeling understood) is the most common and extremely hard to repair downfall in human relationships. Being scheming on the other hand, makes you seem manipulative. We want to live by our own thoughts and not have other thoughts inserted into our heads, to make us behave as we should according to another persons moral standards. Being manipulated is the opposite of being appreciated for who we are. We want to be appreciated for who we are. Also, being manipulative makes you predictable. Even if manipulations seem very shadowy and hard to see through, they are actually nothing but a plot. It is a plan. You are therefore predicatable if you are manipulating. By being predictable you remove the mystery component between two people. If you remove the msystery, there is nothing more left to find out about another person. Boredom suffricates love.

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