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What stops someone from loving me? [Part 2]

What stops someone from loving me? [Part 2]

Having a cold heart is actually more like throwing oil into a fire. It burns and it smells burnt. For every time someone opens up towards you and you react with a cold heart, you burn them. The smell forces them to turn away from you. If one has been burnt too often, he will be cautious towards you; too cautious for love to be able to breathe. In that smoke of the burnt hearts love suffricates and this is painful.

Being introverted and aloof are two more characteristics that are true enemies of love. Being in your own little world, with your own sets of rules and your own experiences, hinder new experiences from being generated. A love without experiences becomes repetitive, until it is forced to live on happy memories alone. Memories fade over time, their strength becomess less powerful and therefore so does love. An loof layout of your persona contributes to this by making another person believe, that you are not taking the fading away of love seriously. This leads to anger, contempt, resentment and other such negative feelings. These overshadow love until none of the happy variety is left.

Finally, being completely submissive and insecure are to more enemies of love. Being submmissive and insecure at all times, makes you have less of an appearence within the relationship. You as a person becomes invisible. And what becomes invisible cannot be respected. You need your existance to be acknowledged from time to time. It is important that you are courageous sometimes, that you make hard decisions, solve problems via your own power, share your world with your partner, have your opinions and be willing to tell them.

These characteristics are not written in stone. We are born with a certain personality, but we can make alterations for a happier life. Those alterations we make depend on our motivation and will-power alone.

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