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5 Star Business Reviews with Employer Branding

5 Star Business Reviews with Employer Branding

Employer branding is a strategic corporate action in which marketing concepts are applied to represent a company as an attractive employer. Its goal is to differentiate the employer positively from other competitors on the labor market.

Many studies show the importance of creating and maintaining a brand. Its function is to attract potential job applicants and a to mainain a positive business image for the current employees. The more applicants a business has, the higher the potential to find a matching job-person and person-organization fit and therefore the better the chances to maintain and increase current revenue.


Several studies in recruitment marketing show, that a business is perceived more positively by the job applicants, if the employer branding has been successful. Also, it has been shown, that a business receives more positive reviews and is rated higher, if a branding has been successfully employed. Furthermore, applicants show a greater desire to accept a job offer and to recommend the company to others as well. 

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