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What is Neuro Leadership?

What is Neuro Leadership?

It is in people's interest to figure out how the great leaders of the world achieve managing and controlling others in a productive way. Many psychologists have been analyzing the factors and key components of our personality, that separate a leader from a follower or a manager from an employee. The questions have always been: What gives some people the ability to lead and why are leadership capabilities not within everyone's capacity?

Certain personality characteristics, like conscienciousness (dealing well with a high degree of responsibility), have been determined as key factors of a leader's personality. But one can assume with certainty, that personality originates from the physical components of our body: Our brain. The mind that makes the thoughts of a leader work, is the physical structure in our skull.
In simply put terms, thought comes from neurons (nervecells) in our brains, that fire impulses from one to the other. They do this in a particular way and hold up a certain line of communication that contain the affirmitive orders for thoughts and actions. Depending on what we think about, these communication lines travel different roads in our brain. The assumption is now, that leaders' brains show very different and very specific travel paths. Those should become visible with neuroimaging techniques.

Therefore, neuroleadership is a field of neuropsychology, that is applied to find out the biological components that separate a leader from a follower.
Maybe this information will be used in the future to determine who is suitable for which job. Interviewing a future employee or testing her for the position may become completely obsolete. You may be recruited into a managing position, if your neurological imaging shows that your brain is built for leadership. One image alone can then determine your future.

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