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What Is Google Adsense Revenue Per 1000 Impressions (RPM) ?

What Is Google Adsense Revenue Per 1000 Impressions (RPM) ?

For every 1000 impressions, i.e. for every 1000 times an ad is shown on your site and a reader sees it, Revenue Per 1000 Impressions (RPM) is an estimate on how high your revenue will be. Let us assume, that you earn $1 for every 100 impressions. Your RPM would then be $10. To make more money online, you will need a large number of impressions. 

The only way to do this, is by having a lot of traffic, many returning visitors and visitors that browse your page a lot. Please remember, that you cannot use fake measures to attain more impressions, because your Adsense account will be blocked permanently. Instead, spread the word about your website to generate more interest. Also, publish interesting content regularly. 
Furthermore, find out which topics attract a lot of people and research profitable keywords. Use Google*s keywords search tool for that. You can review your RPM by going to your Google Analytics statistics. If you have not merged your website with Google Analytics yet, do so. It is essential for you to know what is going on your website or blog. All you need to do is to basically paste a code into your website's HTML code and your Analytics account will do the rest automatically. 

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