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What Is Google Adsense Click-Through Rate (CTR) ?

What Is Google Adsense Click-Through Rate (CTR) ?

The Click-Through Rate (CTR) is one factor that describes the worth of the advertisements from Google Adsense on your website or blog. It shows you how many of the visitors on your site actually clicked on an ad. 

An example: your CTR is 1%, when out of the 100 visitors on your site, only 1 clicked on an ad. 1% is a realistic number. So you can see why it is so important to have lots of traffic on your website. Try estimating how many viewers you need per day to achieve a reasonable CTR of 1% with a good revenue. For this, it is essential to keep reviewing your website statistics via Google Analytics, to adhere to Google Adsene rules and to follow their guidance on ad-placements. 
Furthermore, traffic depends very heavily on what you do. Interesting and regularly updated content is important. Also, spread the word about your site, because your traffic is only able to increase, if people know about your site to begin with!

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