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What Is Open ID?

What is OpenID?

OpenID is an online authentication system. Once you have registered with a username and password with an OpenID provider, you can login on other websites with that same OpenID. It basically saves you from having to register on each website you visit. If any website you visit allos access through OpenID, you may login with your OpenID username and password without having to go the registration process again. The websites that use OpenID are named relying parties. Therefore, your OpenID is like the URL- version of your identity.

Where can I find OpenID?

You can choose to create your OpenID profile with one or more of several providers:

There are many more OpenID providers you can choose from. You can also host your own OpenID provider. Anyone can become an OpenID provider for free, without having to register or be approved by any organization. OpenID is open source and therefore not owned by anyone.

Your OpenID will be of URL type, a link that shows your profile and online activity, for example: OpenID facilitates quick login on various websites. However, make sure that the provider you choose has built in measures of safety, as OpenID profiles are prone to phishingattacks.

Currently, over one billion OpenID accounts exist on over 50.000 websites that accept OpenID for logins.

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