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What Is A Phishing Attack?

What Is A Phishing Attack?

Imagine someone setting up camp at a lake and he begins fishing for anything he desires in that lake. His fishing rod can be used as often as he likes and he can fish for anything at all. The lake in this example is your computer and all the things you do with it. If you have not set-up a fence around your lake, that camper can take as many things as he wants away from you, to live with your created stuff without paying a thing. He can live off your identity, your money and your intellectual property. He is an invisible camper and you will therefore not be able to see him. By the time you notice that some of your property is being abuses, you are too late.

Phishing describes attempts to access your messages, e-mail, and other internet uses for identity theft purposes. That may for example happen on websites that let you believe that they are a bank, while they are fake websites to make you enter your login-data and credit card numbers. 

Usually, phishing is done via messages or e-mail. You may find a message in your e-mail account that seems real. It asks you to click on a link. When you follow that link you are rewarded with a trojan horse (malware). This steals your data. Basically that trojan horse awaits for you to access your bank account, make a payment and then re-routes your payment away from your bank. The bank never receives the payment, the thief does instead. Even the most safe accounts are prone to such attacks. Phishing can not just happen via computers, but also over tablets, phones and anything else that has a connection to the internet. Approximately 280.000 phishingattacks happen every year with every attack costing the victim more than 4.500 dollars!

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