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How Do I Protect Myself Against Phishing?

How Do I Protect Myself Against Phishing?

Many websites are taking precautions against phishing. That doesn’t however protect an internet user to the full extent. You must also protect your identity and property from being stolen by taking action! What you can do to protect yourself from phishing attacks:

1. Deactivate HTML and Java in your e-mails: phishing attacks very often need HTML or a Java script to function, in order to phish for your stuff. If you block these methods, it is like you are preventing the thief from using his fishing rod on your property. Check with your e-mail provider or browser settings to not allow HTML or Java to be shown in your e-mails. Deactivate HTML and Java for your e-mails.

2. Check if the website you are using is safe: When you visit a website, look at the part of the browser where the address of the website (URL) is shown. Some sites use the Extended Validation SSLCertificate. This is a safety precaution, meant to show visitors that this site is real. You can see this SSL-Certificate exists, when the URL is coloured green and there is a small lock depicted. If you see part of the URL highlighted in green colour and a lock, you are on a website that uses Certificates and therefore makes your visit safe. But do not rely on this alone, because several attempts to fake this are being made.

3. Pay attention to the way an e-mail is written: If an e-mail sent to you is written in a very anonymous way, not addressing you directly, it is likely a phishing attack. That e-mail may warn you of your bank account being locked down and ask you to visit a link. Do not use any such link! Some even manage to address you directly. Still, make sure the e-mail is from someone you actually know. Do not open those links. If you are unsure, it is safer to call your bank and ask about the e-mail. Also, some e-mails are written in bad english. This is a sign of a phishing e-mail as well. Furthermore, look at who sent you the e-mail. If it is not someone you know, do not open it. Delete it straight away or move it to spam without opening it.

4. Use proper passwords in your applications: Always use passwords that are more complicated than average, with both letters and numbers, preferably interchangeably. Also, do not use the same password on allyour applications, because if you are hacked once, they can then hack all your applications. Every application should ideally have its own password.

5. Scan your computer for malware, update your anti-virus software and keep your firewall on at all times: It is very important to protect your computer directly. You can only do that through having an updated anti-virus software, a firewall and preferably secure browsing. Scan your computer frequently for malware. If you are using a phone, keep your blue-tooth deactivated unless you are using it. The same goes for your internet connection. If you are using wireless at home, make sure your wireless has a proper password. Avoid using wireless connections or hotspots that are not password protected.

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