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Masterchef Australia

Why Masterchef Australia is Worth Watching

If you have been watching Masterchef US, you will have grown to like the show a lot. Of course, this is mostly because of handsome chef Gordon Ramsay. But also, the action and the drama is just refusing to let you switch your TV to another show. It is so captivating to see the competitors be stressed, run around like headless chicken, and stare at their bench completely lost. The great thing about a Masterchef show is that you do not need to know a thing about cooking to watch it. And even better, you learn a thing or two as well! Did you know that Masterchef started in the UK and in Australia?

Masterchef Australia was not something I had seen at first. I didn’t know there was such a show in Australia. The show originated in the UK and got truly famous in Australia. I stumbled across it by accident, because I was looking for an Australian man to watch on TV with that nice accent of theirs and found Masterchef Australia instead. This was fate knocking on my door!

The first thing I saw, was that they had a massive number of episodes. Season one had over 70 episodes, if I recall correctly. I started thinking to myself: If one episode lasts about 45 minutes, then I could be watching this for months. And then I set out to find out if this was a good or a bad thing. From episode one, I loved the snow. Gary and George are the most friendly chefs I had ever seen on TV. And then there is Mr.Style Matt! The show became such a pleasure to watch. And everyone was so polite and so friendly on every single episode. Even when someone got sent home, they were still grateful and so polite to each other. I began falling in love with this positive attitude every chef and competitor on the show carried around. And the cute Australian accent was something I was looking forward to hearing over and over again.

From time to time there is an episode called the Master class. I hadn’t seen that one in the US version. But that part of the show is what I love the most. I was never really fond of cooking. But watching Gary and George preparing something from scratch, step by step for every amateur cook to understand, made me develop a serious interest in cooking. So when I step into my kitchen now, I don’t have to wonder how to make a mayonnaise or a yummy steak, because that show actually taught me really well. On top of that, Gary and George display the most lovely personality with a great sense of humour. I can't help laughing every time I hear “boom boom shake the room, guys” or the hamburger that needs to be pickled.

Every evening just before making dinner, I watch an episode and it made me happy every single time. The show is not cut into small pieces and it has such a nice flow to it, hence the 70 episodes per season. But that is what makes it so amazing! I would also give anything to try some of those chocolate deserts some day. Gary, if you would ever like to share a chocolate desert, let me know!

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