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Poetry: Sparkle


A tiny star in the night sky I am
Governed by sponges of shame

With a shadow smothering my light in my sleep
Counting murky compassionate wild sheep

Seeing the zest for life fading before that darkness of mine
Yearning for the colours and the indefinable shine

Catching every breath in slow motion

I waver in my will for full devotion 

With a piercing stare the calcareous water separates
Leaving blanks on where the courage breaks

Let the warmth wash away all that is dim
Every stumbling block and every sin

For the rainbow to come to life along the river of a soul
A leader must emerge, to strive and to control

To smother the shadow with light while awake
And dive below the ground of the murky lake

The water rises again from the dark
Finds motion within the bounds of an arc

Indulges sunlight to sculpt into a rainbow that sings
And shines eternally with sparkle underneath its wings

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