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How To Be Lovable and Loved [Part 1]

How To Be Lovable and Loved

The world is not all black and white, so there is no exact recipe on how your personality has to be in order to be loved. There are however certain attributes that many people respond to with open arms. Those attributes can eb summarized in:
1. Trust
2. Honesty
3. Altruism
4. Forgiveness
5. Humility
6. Empathy

The first attribute refers to being trusting yourself, innocent in your thought, gullible and confiding. By being trusting you establish a path for another person to feel closer to you and safer with you. That path also enables the other person to become trusting towards you as well. by being trusting you establish a baseline for the formation of a close relationship. Being innocent in thought is written all over your face and the survival instinct of a human being can tell if you are innocent in thought or a risk of scepticism. My being gullible you show that you dont mistrust and that you dont doubt or suspect someone, again facilitating the evolvement of a close relationship. The propinquity rewards you by making others more courageous in showing them their love.

Being honest refers to a sincerity stemming from the depth of your heart. Most people have a sense for when you are being sincere or not. You may believe that many people dont, but they do It only takes them longer than you to realize their potential for discovering dishonesty. Being sincere creates a world of open-heartedness towards you. Within this world love can grow and extend to an all-powerful aura. Another person can share your courage for being honest and therefore feel more courageous herself. You need other people to be courageous sometimes, so they can show you their feelings. You can harvest the courage from your sincerity and offer that courage to them, by being open and full-heartedly sincere.

Altruism refers to you being selflessly helpful towards others. You help people without expecting anything in return. You are lavish with your emotions, generous at all times, supportive and considerate. You helping others is like offering a hand to love. Being lavish and generous with your emotions motivates others to share their emotions with you. Being supportive makes people feel safe with you. Being considerate makes people feel that you understand them, that you are on their side and that you are the soul-mate they have been seeking for long. Especially within close relationships, being perceived as considerate establishes a strong communication and protects against arguments and separation.

Forgiveness is one of the more difficult to achieve attributes. Being benevolent, permissive and conciliatory are the basic...

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