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When do we accuse the partner of not being loving? [Part 1]

When do we accuse the partner of not being loving?

Human relationships are an interaction. No one side is alive without the other. Accusing your partner of something, does not come from nowhere. There is always an underlying reason for each accusation. If you knew those reasons, you could communicate them instead of being practically forced into an argument. What are the reasons for accusing your partner of not loving you?
1. Your partner is cynical: Someone showing a cynical attitude shows a passive aggressiveness. Apart from it also showing you that he does not take what you say seriously, it a form of on attack. Nobody wishes to be attacked, especially not by the person one is to feel safe with. You conclude that a person who loves you would not do you harm. Attacks harm you, therefore he does not love you.

2. Your partner is distrustful towards you: You feel hurt, because for a long time you have tried to be someone who is trustworthy. After all the experiences, she should be able to trust you. You begin to wonder, if there is something you have done wrong or if she has something to hide. Distrust perpetuates itself like a viral disease in your relationship. You relaize this and conclude that someone who is willing to let a virus spread, does not love you and your relationship.
3. Your partner is sceptical towards you: Everything you say is always put to doubt. Nothing is being accepted, just because you said it. All your words await trial. You begin feeling incompetent and believing that your partner doubts your competence for clear thought. You conclude that your partner believes that you are of inferior intelligence. He cannot possibly love you, if he thinks you are stupid.

4. Your partner seems malicious to you: Everything she says has a purpose, the purpose of causing harm and promoting her own self-interests. You are used to promote those other interests. Meanwhile, your interests are left aside, tagged as not important. You realize that someone who wants to harm you and cares more about herself than you cannot possibly love you.
5. Your partner is scheming: Everything is some sort of a plot to her and you have to fit right in it. If you revolt, you get kicked out of her world and no longer have access. You are forced to fit in and to follow her set of rules, codes and permissions. You realize that you are only loved as long as you fit neatly into a box. You conclude that you cannot be loved, because only the box and not the contents are being loved.
6. Your partner is dishonest: You have nobody to rely on and all the words seem like a double-edged sword. You get cut no matter how you hold it. You begin wondering, why your partner is dishonest and start blaming yourself that maybe you are the one who cannot be trusted. You feel that your partner considers you just stupid enough to feed you those lies relentlessly. You conclude that your partner does not respect your mind and does not love you enough to present you with clear thought.

7. Your partner is egoistic: Everything she does seems to have a self-serving pupose. Your needs are left out in the cold to freeze. You believe in a fairy-tale kind of love, where selflessness equals love. Therefore, selfishness equals hate. Your needs remain unattended. You conclude that your partner cannot love you if his needs always preceede yours and your happiness.
8: Your partner is self-centered: The whole world revolves around him. Everything you say is personal for him. Every time you say how you feel , he believes you to be judgemental. He does not understand that you are being open to just let him know how you feel for him to be able to understand you, to be able to resolve a situation. He believes you blame him and does not understand that how you feel is not the same to how you think of him. Every communication attempt re-routes towards him and his feelings. You are left standing outside alone with your feelings. You condlude, that he cannot love you, because your feelings are always misunderstood and never addressed with an open heart.
9: Your partner always wants to be... [Read more]

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