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When do we accuse the partner of not being loving? [Part 2]

When do we accuse the partner of not being loving? [Part 2]

9: Your partner always wants to be right: Her opinions are the only ones that seem to matter. Meanwhile, your opinions are reduced to being nothing but vague judgement. But if two opinions are put into an arena, is there really a winner? Both opinions are just that: opinions. None is a fact. One cannot be right and neither can the other. By wanting to always be right he refuses listening to your opinion. It doesnt count, therefore you conclude that you dont count.
10. Your partner always wants to fight: Everything you say is a judgement and it escalates from one false interpretation to another until it boils over. During those judgements words and actions are exchanged that are offensive and aggressive, defensive or passive-aggressive. Aggression is a characteristic of hate. You conclude your partner feels more hate than love towards you and that he accepts hurting you. Therefore, there cannot be love.

11. Your partner is unpermissive or too permissive: He never allows you to do anything he doesnt want you to do. He doesnt respect your right to some personal freedom. If you cannot be free, you cannot be happy. If he doesnt want your happiness, he cannot love you. Or your partner is always permissive, you can do as you please. But even when something bothers him, he still allows you to do it. He doesnt say no. Therefore, he doesnt care if harm comes your way. You condlude, that a partner suppressing your will or not seeing any will of his own cannot love you.
12. Your partner is arrogant: It doesnt matter who and what you are. She is always better, always superior. She wants you then to feel inferior. If you are an inferior being compared to her, your worth is near zero. ou conclude, that since you are not worth much you cannot be loved.
13. Your partner is vain: She feels like a prize and you begin feeling like a trophy, down-graded to a material being rather than an intellectual one. If your net worth are bones, flesh and physical attributes, your soul and heart are nothing but unneccessar baggage. If your heart is baggage, you conclude that you cannot be loved, because there is no room for love.
14. Your partner is pompous: Your partner constantly tries to emphasize the importance of the things he does and says. You begin wondering if these are signs of a terrible self-esteam. You lose respect of your partner, because you see him building esteam only on top of your strenght. You feel abused as a means for generating his self-esteem. You feel leeched upon. Once he sucks you dry, you die. If he is willing to see you drained, he can therefore not love you.
15. Your partner is cold-hearted: Every you open up, there is a cold icy breeze coming your way from her. The warm feelings you spill become frozen into dry ice. Eventually that ice cracks and you begin feeling the pain of every single crack. You get frozen again and again. The cracks fill and crack again. This is torture. You conclude that she cannot love you if she is willing to torture you.
16. Your partner is cruel: You want your wounds to heal and you entrust your partner with your wounds, believing that he can help you heal. But he shoots you down, every time again and again exactly where it hurts. With all the sadness you have, you cant seem to move him. He is a rock that has no emotions, only defensive strategies to brush you off. He accepts drowning your emotions in his sandy bag of cruelty. He can therefore not love you.

17. Your partner is merciless: You try to forgive and to be kind in doing so, to not hold a grudge and to attempt to start over again. But your partner continues being bitter. You go towards him to try to have another talk, because you want your issues solved. You wish to show him that you have forgiven him or are the very least trying to do so. Your hope is that he will do the same. But he doesnt. He remains merciless, while you are on your knees being generous with your forgiveness, which was so difficult to come by. Your parents or someone else in your life has early on tought you that unconditional love is built on recurring forgiveness as the foundation to it. He doesnt forgive, his love is therefore build on conditions. A love on conditions is a foundation on few wobbly legs. He doesnt seem to want to change that and he seems accepting of that foundation in this state being able to crash at any point in time. He cannot love you, because he is not willing to build a stronger foundation. He watches while you are being burried underneath the remains of it. You conclude, that someone who is not willing to puthis pain aside and would rather continue causing you pain, cannot possibly love you.

All these reasons are malleable. Changing the outcome requires both partners to find which of the above reasons apply to them each. The reasons for each partner may very well differ from the other. Only once they have been discovered and truly understood, an actual potential for change comes to life.

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