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What Is Google Adsense Cost Per Click (CPC) ?

What Is Google Adsense Cost Per Click (CPC) ?

Cost per click, shown as CPC in your google analytics window, describes one method by which your website earns revenue via Google Adsense. It basically means, that you get paid every time someone clicks on the advertisement on your page. Keeping track of your CPC is a good way to estimate your website's revenue and to see how and where you can increase your income. The success of CPC depends on two factors. 

First, the ad must be relevant enough for a viewer to click on it. Even with the advertiser pays much on a per-click basis, the ad may not be interesting enough to your website readers. 
Second, cost per click from google Adsense may generate as little as $ .01 per click. So even if you get 1000 clicks, it does not add up to much. The advertisers set the price for each ad. Make sure that you present lots of good quality content on yoour website or blog and make sure you place your ads correctly. You are not allowed to click on your ads. If you do so, your Adsense account will get shut down immediately. 
Get engaged with viewing your google analytics statistics regularly. You can easily connect your page to google analytics, if you have not already done so. It shows your revenue, and among other factors it also shows your current cost per click rate. 

1 Kommentare:

Vomail said...

It is one of the most knowledgeable posts I have read about Google Adsense Cost Per Click. I also have a blog and I want to make it popular so that earnings can be increased. Do you think that using facebook ads management services is a good idea?

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