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Contemplating a Career Change

Contemplating a Career Change

There may come a point in life, at which we contemplate changing our career path. The point of contemplation is to eventually form a decision route. It is important to know why we being thinking about a change in the first place, to determine what it is that makes us want to take a chance on change.

1. The Demands Matching:
The demands of a job and the abilities that we have can experience a matching struggle. Our skills and abilities may be too few for the career we are trying to hold on to. This leads to psychological exhaustion or otherwise named the burn-out syndrome. Or our abilities and skills are so extensive, that they overqualify us for the path chosen. The lack of challenges and the little creative space can also take a toll on out mental well-being. This dissonance between what we do and what is appropriate for our skills generates contemplating about a career change.

2. The Harmony Matching:
Careers expect us to be able and to want to learn continuously. Many require social competence skills and a steady self-esteem. Having a harmonious synchronization between how much confidence a job requires and how much we actually have, is what we experience as feeling balanced. Being able to learn and being taught a variety of skills for our repertoire is also pivital to being satisfied with the career choice. Many careers require extensive social competence skills that we may not be able to keep up with. The sense of harmony comes from a balance between what we can do and what is expected of us. If the balance is off for a prolonged period of time, changing a career path is considered as a "survival" option.

3: The Needs Matching:
Human beings have a need for their needs to be attended to. A career path is ideally to offer a way to actualize oneself, to feel completely fulfilled. If there is no discrepancy between our needs and our career, what we do is who we are. But if there is a discrepancy, there is a strong need to get rid of that discrepancy. After all, what is the point of having a career path or a life for that matter, if it does not make us want to work voluntarily. People often leave their jobs behind, because they couldnt put their creativity to work and use all the skills that they have. One cannot feel fulfilled if he is not allowed to develop to his full potential. Changing a career is therefore a prominent thought, once the actualization process is severely impeded by the current career path.
The basic point is that we evolve and so does a career path. That process may reach a point where the evolvements have taken opposite directions from one another, making the fit between the individual and the career unprofitable for both. To derive motivation from ourselves and from life, we require intellectual, social and material revenue. Therefore, the aim is to determine our current status on that revenue and to find a way to increase that profit margin. The more imbalance we experience in the matching factors, the more pressed for time we feel to make a decision. The decision is made once that imbalance can be substituted with a career choice that promises more potential profit.

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