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How To Get A Job Promotion Faster

How To Get A Job Promotion Faster

You would most likely reckon, that merit leads to getting a job promotion. In many cases this is true, but often merit is taken for granted. If you become the reliable worker over several years and you are working well, you will often not get promoted - not because you are not excellent at what you do, but because giving you another position would change the coprporate structure. If the corporate structure is functional, people hesitate to make changes. So rather than waiting on merit to maybe or maybe not yield results, you can take the matter into your own hands.
According to psychological studies on career path determination, there are three factors that strengthen the perception of a worker being someone worth promoting quickly.

1. Mentoring:
The basic goal is to work closely with someone of high reputation and rank. This person is influential within the business and can often change other people's perception about you in a very short time. What you would be looking for is that this reputable person shows the willingness to teach and to promote your interests, as well. He knows the "secrets" and his years of experience give a stronger color to your years of experience, even if you barely have any. Stick with that person, listen and be loyal. Your reputation will quickly go from being anyone, to being his assistant, to being his partner. Once you are perceived as an equal work-force as your mentor, you will be next in line for the promotion you seek.

2. Networking:
Even if you are the hardest working being on the face of the earth, nobody will ever know about it if you do not establish a network around you. You will be the preferred choice, if someone knows you, just because he knows what to expect of you. To promote a worker, nobody enjoys taking risks - not at such an important position. Therefore, it is in your best interest to make yourself known. This increases the trust other people have in you greatly, because people think that knowing you makes you predictable and therefore a safe choice. Not only is it important to establish a social network around you, but it is equally important to use it. Dont be shy to ask for something and dont be shy to give back. The more give and take you can build, the easier things come to you.

3. Physical Attractiveness:
Psychological studies have clearly proven that physically attractive people are preferred as candidates for a promotion. This is not purposefully done. It's just that physically attractive people apply a sense of professionalism and charm to the people around them, which in turn leads to being remembered and therefore being considered for a promotion. Physical attractiveness is not about being pretty or not. Everyone can be beautiful. Physical attractiveness is about the will to pay attention to detail. The first thing to pay attention to is being clean - everywhere, from head to toe. The second thing is to think about the image of your job. As much as we love Dr.House for calling stereotypes out for battle, this is not the real world. In the real world, you cannot be a lawyer with wearing baggy pants and sneakers. In the real world, you cannot convince a customer that you are worth your weight, if you dont wear a polished outfit. Everything accumulates to what we perceive as physical attractiveness.

Now you have three ways to work on getting that promotion. Get up early enough to get that physical attrativeness part covered. Go to work with a smile and make friends. And finally, choose your mentor wisely. Good luck!

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