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Increasing Revenue with Successful Recruitment Marketing

Increasing Revenue with Successful Recruitment Marketing

One prerequisite for a successful business is to constantly keep in mind, that your revenue is highly co-dependend on the people you hire. Hiring someone is not just about checking for credentials and interviewing them. The recruitment process must start long before that. 

Everything, from the way the job application is constructed to the job applicant himself, needs to be carefully planned. It does not take much to declare bancrucy, but it does need a lot of work to maintain and increase the current revenue stats. The goal of recruitment managing is not only to find a suitable employee for a position, but to create the perfect fit between the applicant and the job and keeping that person productively employed for a long time to come. 

Therefore, successful recruitment marketing matches the applicant to the open position or the position to the applicant. The more successful this pairing is, the more you maintain your current revenue and the better chances you have at increasing that revenue.

There are four types of pairings that must be taken into consideration, to create the perfect match between the position and the employee:

1. Person Organization Fit

This measure is all about the employee and the structure of your business. You have defined certain values and goals for your company. To determine how good the fit is between the future employee and the company, you cross check your company values against the person's values. The characteristics of your company must match the ones of the person as closely as possible. This part influences employee loyality greatly. Worst case szenario in simple terms:  if the characteristics dont match, your employee is not loyal and even creates harm to your business. However, with a great fit the employee will fully understand the goals to be attained, support them and protect them. Many companies have a psychologist on their staff, who is testing peoples values against the values of a company before hiring them. 

2. Person Job Fit

The point here is that you want to match the future employee's skills, wishes and expectations with the tasks the job demands. The goal here is for your hire to be able to fulfill the job demands with his knowledge and skills. This pairing is important, because you dont want to generate frustration within your business. Frustration leads to high degrees of aggression or resignation. You dont want to over-work someone, and you also dont want to make the job unchallenging. If a persons skills are inadequate for the job, the mental overload is likely to lead to resignation or anger. If your employee is unchallenged, she might seek out challenging opportunities that do not involve a company's best interests and exhibit frustration. By finding a good person job fit, you reduce the risk of having several staff changes. 

3. Person Group Fit

People within one job are connected via several common goals and expectations. This interconnectivity requires for the person you wish to hire to match your current employees. One bad fit can unbalance the whole team structure. Having a good atmosphere within the teams and subgroups of your business, is the most important factor when it comes to employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction is greatly determined by who we have to work with. The more pleasant or neutral the interaction, the better the output. 

4. Person Supervisor Fit

The employee has to match her supervisor as best as possible. Similar to the group fit where the atmosphere of the interactions determine the work output, so does the fit with the supervisor. A productive relationship can have a great impact on final revenue. You know when this fit is not working immediately, when an employee considers his supervisor as incompetent. If a supervisor's direction cannot be followed, productivity splashes into all directions, instead of focusing on the current goals. The fit is appropriate, when it is within the supervisors capabilities to lead and when the employee is willing to follow instructions. Usually, certain managing types correspond to certain employee personalities. Those are matched before the final hiring process is complete.

These pre-recruitment stages are vital to the success of your business. Your goal is to allocate ressources productively. Your employee is a ressource. 

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