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How To Keep Readers On Your Blog

Keeping readers on your blog is a requirement to reduce the bounce rate and to increase the popularity of your blog. The chances of your blog being discovered on the web increases drastically when you have a steady clientele. If your blog is set up to create income for you, keeping readers on your website is strongly advised. Other than creating and distributing great content, there are easy technical matters that need to be taken care of, to enhance the user experience on your site. 

How To Keep Readers On Your Blog

As a website builder it is in your best interest to enhance your page with certain gadgets or widgets, that make your blog page more interactive. The underlying goal is to guide your readers to more than one interesting post. Your blog should be evocative of a gallery of posts. You are not required to use extremely complex features, but your readers should be presented with a spectrum of interesting topics. After all, you are asking your viewers to take their time and invest it on your page. Such an investment should ideally be reciprocal. You give ,you get. 

I will present you with a few very popular ways to reduce the bounce rate of your blog (for more information on your bounce rates, use the Google Analytics tool to determine the extent of your bounce rate). Be aware, that the gadgets only have a large effect under the prerequisite that your blog content is clean, extensive and interesting. The ways presented here are customized for blogger, but you can easily transfer this knowledge to wordpress and other types of websites. 

1. You Might Also Like...

Your readers may want to read more on your page. Your blog should present them with the opportunity to find more posts easily. The viewers may not be looking for something specific, but they might want to browse. Give them that opportunity. Most bloggers believe that putting up a search bar and the archives is enough. But it is far from enough. A way to present your readers with more posts after they have read one, is to install the widget LinkWithin. This widget is as simple as typing in your blog URL and submitting that information, to receive a code and the install guide in return. This is currently the most popular tool for reducing bounce rates.

2. Popular Posts

Present your readers with what most people enjoy reading. We are all curious human beings and often we want to know the interests of other people. By being able to select the popular content from your sidebar is a great way to keep your readers engaged. If you are using blogger, all you need to do is to go to your Layout and add the popular posts widget. 

How To Keep Readers On Your Blog

3. Go Oldschool

Once upon a time, when gadgets were not available to websites, every blog publisher and website builder used to manually create links to various posts. Believe it or not, this is still extremely popular with your viewers. You can link words in your text to other posts of yours or create a link with an image or without within your posts, functioning as a lead towards a related article. Links with images are the preferred version, because text links can be mistakenly interpreted as advertisement or spam. 

4. Random Posts

If your blog posts are not limited to a specific time frame, a random posts widget is another way of helping people find more interesting articles on your page. Randomizing posts from last year that are not up to date anymore, is not the way to go. However, if your page is based on posts that endure over a time span of at least 3 months, you can add the Random Posts Widget. Copy the html code and paste it into a html/javascript gadget item in your blogger layout. Once again, your gadget serves you best if you include images. Random Posts Widget

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